“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” Acts 1:8
At Lakeview Baptist Church we believe the mission field for our church, starts here at Skiatook in our hometown. We use the verse in Acts as an example of how our mission work should look like. Starting in Skiatook as our mission field, we move towards surrounding towns then to Oklahoma then to surrounding States, then to all of the United States and finally then to the world. Yet at the same time we are doing our mission in Skiatook, we are not going to ignore the needs of Christians around the world. We work in Skiatook, but we have a heart for the world.
We believe that our mission is to serve the people of our community, while presenting to them the truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. You may ask what our missions in Skiatook might look like. Our mission’s might take on the form of leading backyard Bible clubs. It might take on the form of mowing the yards of elderly people who do not have anybody to mow it for them. It could be through the Royal Ambassadors (RA’s) and Girls in Action (GA’s) program. It could just be as simple of being a listening ear to those who need one. Mission work never takes on one form or shape. To finish, mission work is summed up in one sentence, ministering to those in need in a Christ like manner and sharing the Gospel while doing it. One more thing, whatever we do or however we do it, it is always focused on treating people’s real need; which is relationship with God.